
In our factory we build smart data specialists, our bots!
Discover our solutions
We prepare organizations for the future
In 2020, business controllers and other employees in financial departments are still too often busy with standardized, repetitive tasks that could easily be taken over by robots. This includes entering data in your financial administration, consolidating general ledger accounts and drawing up frequent reports. In addition, many organizations have a major challenge in doing sound analyzes on data. Hibots has the solution! We help organizations in the digital transformation of their financial function. In our factory we build virtual employees who take over the boring and repetitive work of your staff, so that your employees can engage in strategic activities that create real value within your organization. It doesn't stop here for us! We are also building algorithms that analyze the data generated by robots! We distinguish two concrete processes in the digital, financial transformation of organizations. Curious? Then read below how we see this for us!
Our solutions
01. RPA & AI
Intelligence Process Automation The time when your employees spend a significant part of their time on boring standard activities is over! Our virtual employees are eager to take over from them. For example, they can read documents quickly and without errors, collect data from various sources, fill in forms and send reports. How do we realize this? Simply by analyzing human standard tasks and then simulating them with a software robot!
More about intelligence RPA
02. Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics are an extension of RPA. Where robots are able to perform simple tasks frequently and without errors, Machine Learning algorithms can learn data and make predictions using Predictive Analytics. For example, algorithms recognize patterns and deviations in the data processed or generated by software robots. Using Predictive Analytics, we build robust models and use them to predict important KPIs. This way you prepare your organizations for the future.
More information about predictive analytics
Why companies choose Hibots

High ROI

Our virtual employees ensure significant cost savings within your organization, so that an investment in RPA and ML pays for itself very quickly.


Virtual employees can perform standard tasks incredibly quickly!


Virtual employees never get tired and don't make mistakes. In fact, they are able to monitor human work for inconsistencies!


Our digital employees scale up easily. In peak periods they can easily run working days of 20 hours.

Job satisfaction

How cool is this: robots do the boring and repetitive work and your employees focus on the things that are really valuable to your organization.

Easy integration

No adjustments to internal systems necessary! Our virtual employees communicate flawlessly with your existing business and IT architecture.
Wondering what Hibots can do for you?
Automated purchase to pay process
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Daily insight into finances
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Floor takes over billing process
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Automated purchase to pay process
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Daily insight into finances
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